Treadmill Buying Helpful Tips 2019 Commercial Gym Treadmills Treadmills are a large investment financially and in your fitness, therefore much thought and preparation should go into the purchase of your new treadmill. Here are some helpful tips to help you purchase a treadmill for your home gym. Having your treadmill motor blow up or your belt warp severely after only a few months use is not something you want, so here are a few basic treadmills buying tips . Warranty - Any treadmill brand worth its weight will offer a nice warranty on their product. Usually, the motor, parts, and labor will be covered under different warranties. Make sure you get at least a 5-year warranty on your motor. After the treadmill purchase makes sure you abide by the warranty and send in any user registrations if required. Walking Surface - How big is the surface you actually walk or run on? M...